Monday 5 September 2011

Day 11 - Corner Brook Event Day

Saturday was an “Event Day”. The Community Planning Team set up some activities for the community and staff to come out and have some fun. Unfortunately, it was Labour Day weekend and as is tradition, Newfoundlanders head out of town for a final weekend at their cabins. Attendance was sparse, but those that did show up were spirited and ready for fun. We had our final two Medal-Bearers from Day 10 (sisters Mandy and Megan) arrive as well. There was a wheelchair basketball court set up, Zumba instruction, and a fun run. Zumba is a new exercise craze that is similar to an old school aerobics type class but with funky new dance moves to music that is strongly African themed with good drum beats.  An instructor led us through the routine for 4 different songs and we got a real good warm up in before starting the fun run (a little jaunt around the parking lot).
We wrapped up the Event stuff just before noon and then it was back to work. Meetings in the afternoon and uniform inventory to make sure we are still tracking well in terms of sizes. It appears that Newfoundlanders are skewing more towards the larger sizes presently which has caused some initial concern that we may run out of the larger sizes before reaching BC. We may have to put in an order for some additional units, especially seeing as the colder weather is coming and people will want to be layering up.
Saturday evening we had a full team meeting followed by a slide show of our first 10 days on the road and a team dinner. The meal was catered by the hotel and was actually quite good. Protein choices of chicken, salmon, roast pork, and roast beef provided plenty of options. A pleasant surprise to the affair was fresh homemade Yorkshire puddings! YUM!!!

Following dinner, our Director had arranged for a little entertainment. A proclaimed “self taught” comedian (I didn’t realize there were classes you could take. I missed out on that major when I was selecting University programs), came and gave us a little show. He was a local Corner Brooker who had worked in hospital administration for a number of years and then retired to be a local comedian and “Screecher”. Now for those of you who have never been to Newfoundland, you may not have ever heard of Screech. Screech is a Jamaican rum that has become the official drink of Newfoundland and in order to become an honourary Newfoundlander, you must be “Screeched in”. There is a big long story to the history of how Screech came to be...but I am not going to get into that here. I’m sure you could Google it though if the yearning, nagging urge to know gets too strong. Getting Screeched in involves learning to speak some key Newfoundland phrases, becoming educated in some traditions, and then kissing a cod and throwing back a shot of Screech. When your screech in is complete, you are presented with a certificate. I was fortunate enough to have been “Screeched in” in St. John’s when I first arrived on The Rock and then “Screeched out” now as I am preparing to leave this fine province. That’s right Ma, I’ve got TWO certificates for you to proudly display in my scrapbook!!

The Screech!


Following the Team dinner, a number of folks hit the town to take in the Corner Brook social scene, but for a former Southerner, the first Saturday in September holds something much more important to me. It’s the kickoff of the NCAA football season! I spent my evening watching football, and teaching my Limey roommate the rules of the game.  Despite looking sloppy in the 1st quarter and going down 17-0 to East Carolina, my South Carolina Gamecocks picked it up on offense and limited the mistakes to take a 56-31 victory to open the season. Here’s to a great season!



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