Monday 5 September 2011

Day 13 - Corner Brook to Stephenville

YAAAAWN!!!! Mondays are still Mondays, even when you’re on the road and weekends are just another day. It was hard to climb out of my super comfy bed this morning, but it’s time to get back on the road for another Relay Day. This morning started with a community send off event at Margaret Bowater Park in Corner Brook. A lot of communities welcome us with refreshments and this morning was no different. We had a lovely spread of coffee, tea, juices, muffins, and pastries to get us going in the morning. We did some dancing with the Medal-Bearers and got everyone warmed up. We needed it too because it is cloudy and overcast today with the smell of rain in the air.
We are currently scootin’ along the Trans Canada Highway in Carrier Mode and just stopped at the only restaurant between Corner Brook and Stephenville.  The good people of the Pinchgut Lake Restaurant surprised us by buying us all lunch at their establishment. I had a grilled cheese sandwich and a delicious homemade turkey vegetable soup that Kayla and I split because we both wanted a taste but not a whole bowl. Isn’t it great when you are able to dine with people who like to do share plates? J You get to have a taste of several a mini smorgasbord! Mmmmmm
Tomorrow is our last day on the Rock. It’s hard to believe that we are 2 weeks in already and finishing our first province. I am looking out the window of the motorhome as we boot along at 101km and just admiring how beautiful and remote it is. I was speaking with one of the police officers in Corner Brook and asked him, “So, is Corner Brook the 2nd biggest city in Newfoundland after St. John’s?” And they replied, “Yep, sure is”.
“So how many people live here then?” I inquired.
“Ohhhh.....’bout 25,000 I suppose”. Hahaha The 2nd largest city in Newfoundland has 10,000 fewer people than my hometown which I have always considered to be quite small. I guess that tells you a little about what Newfoundland is all about. Its small towns, community oriented people, and lots and lots of wilderness and outdoor activities....I suppose you could say it’s my kind of place. J
Only 17 Medal-Bearers today, but they were good ones. We had several Special Olympians in Stephenville today who were just terrific. One young lady named Brittany was a major camera diva. She was posing and mugging for that thing non stop. It was hilarious the poses she got into. You'd think she was on a runway in Milan.

                                                           Brittany showing off the pipes

Family Jump!

This was a discovery at our End of Day ceremony in Stephenville. I just had to include it as I found it to be rather bizzare. Who uses this? Port-a-potty for Lovers? True bonding experience....made for you and a friend?

Goodnight from Stephenville!


1 comment:

  1. Since you followed my blog a few years ago it's only appropriate I follow yours now. Sounds like you are off to a great start! Looking forward to reading future updates.
