So we finally got on our 12:30am ferry and departed Newfoundland at 5:30am. We parked all our vehicles down below and headed upstairs to find our cabins on the 8th floor. They were small, with double bunk beds and a bathroom (complete with a shower)...but pretty nice actually. I'ts all I needed or wanted anyway and within seconds all 4 of us were passed out. I was assigned to a room full of snorers but being as tired as I was, I didn't care if I was assigned to share a room with a family of jackhammers. When my head hit the pillow, I was out cold. I woke up around 10:30am and decided to get up and scout out the situation on the boat. I did a quick tour of a couple floors and debated eating breakfast but passed it over as I am just about over the "powdered scrambled eggs, sausage, bacon, toast" at this point (I know...its a little early to be "over" standard hotel breakfasts with 8.5 months to go. haha) I went up to the sundeck on the 10th floor and just relaxed in the sea breeze as we moved toward land. It was about another 90 minutes before we were skillfully guided through a narrow channel and into dock. It was neat to see the seaside landscape come into view and slowly become larger and clearer. Lighthouses, churches, cementaries, and quaint beachfront houses dotted the horizon.

The Interior of the ferry
Morning Sunshine hitting the Atlantic....thankfully we did not have to utilize that orange thing!
The ferry's satellites and Navigation systems behind the Helipad.
Ladies and Gentlemen.....Welcome to Sydney Mines! (Yes, I am still in the same clothes I wore all day yesterday and slept least I was smart enough to pick comfy clothes!)
The rest of the day consisted of readying our vehicles, preparing for meetings, and creating our plan for tomorrow's Relay day.
I just finished dinner a little while ago. I figured I would dive right into some local fare so I went with the Lobster poutine! Not as good as it sounds actually...maybe I'll just stick to whole lobster dinners from here on. :)
Good Night all!
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